Where I Go, So Does Zix: Securing Private Healthcare Facilities with Hands-Free Email Threat Protection

With 22 years of experience securing private healthcare facilities all over the U.S., Marcia Henry is no stranger to IT security. If you get her talking about her experience, you’ll notice several of her roles have one thing in common—Marcia brings Zix wherever she goes. And she’s more than happy to explain why.
Marcia knows prioritizing IT in healthcare is difficult. Many security products require IT teams to have a high level of expertise and training. But the reality is IT professionals are often self-taught with small teams. “If I’m a one-woman team, we can’t expect to buy a product, roll it out and have it work on its own. That is until I discovered Zix,” Marcia said.
She has brought Zix’s Email Threat Protection to multiple healthcare groups she’s led across the country. “In 2001, Zix worked so well for my facility in Florida that when I moved to North Carolina, I immediately contacted Zix to get us protected,” Marcia continued, “I've been with Zix for over a decade now.” Marcia trusted Zix at her previous roles but implementing the email threat protection at The Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center has turned her from a loyal customer to a bonafide advocate.
“We don’t always have the expertise we need, so we have to fill in the gaps. This is why I trust Zix.”
Marcia Henry, CIO, The Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center
Any allergies? Ineffective security, for starters...
When Marcia joined The Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center she brought her wealth of IT knowledge and relationships. “We’re a healthcare group that spans Tennessee, Louisiana, Georgia, and Kentucky. Our focus is allergy but like most private healthcare groups, we have to abide by the rules set by HIPAA and CMS,” Marcia said. The driving force in healthcare is the electronic medical record (EMR), so Marcia’s job is to protect it. If healthcare is unable to meet IT standards then the whole system of care comes to a halt. So when Marcia joined the team, she realized their email security software was not holding up. Their old software required technical oversight that was difficult to manage and was eventually forgotten in the whirlwind of other IT priorities.
Naturally, Marcia took the opportunity to deploy Zix’s email threat protection. “It was a big shock to our team to realize our previous software wasn’t working. When Zix went live, it worked immediately. It did its job. So it was very easy to convince them to go with Zix in the end,” Marcia laughed.
Needless to say, Marcia is relieved that The Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center has a knowledgeable IT team, “That's not the average for private healthcare,” she said, “we don’t always have the expertise we need, so we have to fill in the gaps. This is why I trust Zix.” Marcia knows what can happen when the right people choose the wrong software.
“Zix makes our lives easier and it’s easy for all of us to see.”
Marcia Henry, CIO, The Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center
More synergy, less babble
In all of Marcia’s roles, she’s brought her keen eye for people and technology. “I've seen a lot of dead weight in IT. If you buy a product because it sounds good or looks pretty, but you don't have the staffing or technology to support it—it’s dead weight,” she said. Marcia doesn’t use any software that she doesn’t trust completely. She knows of healthcare groups who have stopped using Zix and have gotten hacked, having to pay a hefty ransom for their patient data. “Was it worth it? For the convenience of using the same suite of enterprise software?” Marcia mused sadly. But she doesn’t claim to know it all—her confidence would never border on hubris.
Marcia’s experiences have taught her that many IT security issues can usually be solved by thoughtful teams. When everyone is working together: IT, admin, healthcare professionals, and Zix, a fantastic harmony occurs. “That's the biggest thing Zix brings to the table. It's not just me sitting there, speaking technobabble to somebody who's speaking clinical babble. Zix makes our lives easier and it’s easy for all of us to see,” Marcia said. Now, when she sits down in those meetings, the teams trust they’re working together effectively.
In the pursuit of hands-free, powerful solutions
In Marcia’s experience, when you train someone on a new system, it’s always a matter of time until the system is forgotten about, fails to work or the person you trained leaves. Some of these factors can’t be helped; systems get lost in the shuffle, they don’t meet expectations, and people move on. But Marcia doesn’t have to worry about at least one thing, “I don’t need anymore on my plate. I want to partner with a company that takes full responsibility for their product. That is Zix,” she said. When she deploys Zix, the integration with her exchange is simple and standardized. She takes the keyword list and presents it to the medical professionals in her group, explaining how it works and what they need to make sure their emails are scanned for ePHI. And that’s it. “In everything, you want a team. I consider Zix an extension of my own team. It's like I hired these people but I don't have to worry about their paycheck,” Marcia laughed.
“Go shop around and find the vendors that fit your profile. And I guarantee when you come back to your lists, it’s going to be Zix every time”
Marcia Henry, CIO, The Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center
Make three lists…
With Zix’s Email Threat Protection and Information Archiving, Marcia’s IT team is assured their patient data is protected and they can continue to serve their community in their ongoing battle against pollen and other nasty allergens. “To be honest with you, Zix saved me at least a dozen times. I can call on them for help. When I have a doctor needing to prove his email was encrypted or when we need fast tech support. Zix makes a big difference,” she said.
With Marcia’s influence, IT professionals hear the honest truth of 22 years in healthcare IT. In the end, when asked what she would say to IT professionals considering Zix, she gave an anecdote so succinct, it requires no conclusion: "I did this exercise with a group out in Seattle. Sit down and make three lists. Your first column is what you really want and hope to achieve. Your second column is what you need in-house to achieve those dreams. Your third column is the vendors who fit that profile. And I guarantee when you come back to your lists, it’s going to be Zix every time."