Secure Cloud

Secure Cloud.

Unleash your teams to become more productive, secure, and compliant in a complex, digital world.

Zix Secure Cloud Inforgraphic


Establish a modern workplace for better data sharing, collaboration, flexibility, and remote work.

Microsoft 365

Woman Using Laptop


Reduce risks caused by human error and security-related obstacles to productivity. Threat detection and risk mitigation are constant, automated, and dynamic.

Email Threat Protection

Email Encryption

Secure File Share

people using computer


Best-in-class email encryption, secure file sharing, and business communications archiving (email, social media, instant messaging).

Email Encryption

Secure File Share

Information Archiving

man at computer

Phenomenal Care

All services backed by 24/7/365 dedicated support from our phenomenal care team to better manage people, technology, and process.

people at computer

Break down old security vulnerabilities.
Move forward with Zix.

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